Sunday, July 4, 2010

Butterhorn Rolls

recipe courtesy of Mary McKay Stirland

1 TBSP yeast
1/2 cup butter
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs, well beaten
3/4 tsp salt
4 cups flour
up to 1 cube melted butter, to roll dough in
Melt butter. In large bowl add butter to warm milk, salt and sugar. Mix. Add eggs. Mix well. Add yeast. Add flour 1 cup at a time, stirring until you can't stir anymore. Then knead with hands. Add extra flour if needed. Dough should be sticky. Let it rise for 1 hour or so covered. Take half of dough and roll it out on counter top in a circle (sprinkle flour underneath it to prevent it sticking to counter top). Cut into wedges with pizza cutter, like you would a pie. Pour some melted butter in a cookie sheet-it just depends on how much butter flavor you want. Pick up one slice of dough, swipe it in the butter, then roll from big end to little. Place on cookie sheet. Continue with all wedges of dough. You should be able to fit 3x9 rolls on one cookie sheet. Repeat process with other half of dough. Let them rise covered for 30 minutes (if you don't have time to let them rise the 2nd time its ok). Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm!

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